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23oz Electroplated Glass Cylinder Candle Holders
23oz Electroplated Glass Cylinder Candle Holders
23oz Electroplated Glass Cylinder Candle Holders
23oz Electroplated Glass Cylinder Candle Holders
23oz Electroplated Glass Cylinder Candle Holders
23oz Electroplated Glass Cylinder Candle Holders
23oz Electroplated Glass Cylinder Candle Holders
23oz Electroplated Glass Cylinder Candle Holders
23oz Electroplated Glass Cylinder Candle Holders
23oz Electroplated Glass Cylinder Candle Holders
23oz Electroplated Glass Cylinder Candle Holders
23oz Electroplated Glass Cylinder Candle Holders
23oz Electroplated Glass Cylinder Candle Holders
23oz Electroplated Glass Cylinder Candle Holders
23oz Electroplated Glass Cylinder Candle Holders
23oz Electroplated Glass Cylinder Candle Holders
23oz Electroplated Glass Cylinder Candle Holders
23oz Electroplated Glass Cylinder Candle Holders
23oz Electroplated Glass Cylinder Candle Holders
23oz Electroplated Glass Cylinder Candle Holders
23oz Electroplated Glass Cylinder Candle Holders
23oz Electroplated Glass Cylinder Candle Holders

23oz Pemegang Lilin Silinder Kaca Berlapis


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23oz Electroplated Glass Cylinder Candle Holders

FOB: $0.00-0.10/pc | 3000 pcs (Min.Order) | 1 buyer

Product Introduction

Versatile glass cylinder works beautiful as a tealight candle holder, floating candles holders and storage jar. Can be used indoors and outdoors. The perfect touch adds glow and elegance to your event and home decor. Different Color fill with different fragrance soy.

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Top Diameter:130mm, Bottom Diameter: 122.5mm, Full Height: 79mm

Fill Capacity:

570ml, 20oz-23oz for candle

Overflow Capacity:


Approx. Weight:


Neck Specs:



glass for jar


pressed glass


custom color acceptable

Printing & logo:


Surface Handling:

color spraying, silk screen,electroplating, hot stamping, decal, label, etc.

Item Number:


Product Features and Application

This cylinder candle holders are perfect for housewarming, birthday, wedding, bridal shower, engagement gift for all those who love elegance and functionality in their homes.

23oz Electroplated Glass Cylinder Candle Holders details

The special design makes the candle holder emit a beautiful halo, which is easy to create a wonderful atmosphere.

23oz Electroplated Glass Cylinder Candle Holders factory

High-quality thickened glass can effectively prevent candle jar from breaking due to overheating, so ordinary candles and LED candles can be used.

23oz Electroplated Glass Cylinder Candle Holders factory

Candle holders are one of the home decoration items, it gives a very soothing and calming effect when placed correctly. Candlelight is representative of many things--peace, serenity, relaxation, and romance are just a few.

23oz Electroplated Glass Cylinder Candle Holders manufacture

No matter where you decide to use candles, theyll create a warmer, more welcoming environment not only for guests but for yourself too! Chic gift for your families or friends!

23oz Electroplated Glass Cylinder Candle Holders factory

When you drink a cup of coffee, you can light a scented candle and sit in a chair to enjoy the soothing and relaxing aromatherapy scent. Aromatherapy candle is considered a natural sedative that could ease stress and even regulate sleep modes.

23oz Electroplated Glass Cylinder Candle Holders supplier

HARDERSON offers customized graphic design for glass jar decorations and molding service for glass jars and lids.


Corrugated carton with cross board dividers, safe for international shipments.Customized packaging requirements are accepted.

23oz Electroplated Glass Cylinder Candle Holders manufacture23oz Electroplated Glass Cylinder Candle Holders factory




,00-0,10/pc | 3000 buah, (Min.Order) | 1 pembeli

Perkenalan produk

Silinder kaca serbaguna bekerja dengan indah sebagaicahaya tehtempat lilin, pemegang lilin mengambang dantoples penyimpanan. Dapat digunakand Indoors dan keluarOors. Sentuhan sempurna tambahkansglow dan keanggunan untuk acara dan dekorasi rumah Anda. Warna yang berbeda mengisi dengan kedelai wangian yang berbeda.

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Diameter Atas:130Mm,Diameter Bawah: 122.5Mm,Tinggi Penuh: 79Mm

Isi Kapasitas:

570Ml20Oz-23oz untuklilin

Tumpah Kapasitas:


Berat Kira-kira:


NSpesifikasi eck:



kaca untuk toples


kaca yang ditekan


Warna Kustom Dapat Diterima

Pencetakan & logo:


Penanganan permukaan:

penyemprotan warna, layar sutra, pelapisan listrik, hot stamping, stiker, label, dll.

SayaNomor tem:


Fitur dan Aplikasi Produk

Tsilindernyatempat lilins sempurnabagiPindah rumah, ulang tahun, pernikahan, bridal shower, hadiah pertunangan untuk semua orang yang menyukai keanggunan dan fungsionalitas di rumah mereka.

23oz Electroplated Glass Cylinder Candle Holders details

Desain khusus membuat lilin pemegang memancarkan lingkaran cahaya yang indah,yang merupakanmudah untuk menciptakan suasana yang indah.

23oz Electroplated Glass Cylinder Candle Holders factory

Kaca tebal berkualitas tinggi dapat secara efektif mencegah lilin Jardari melanggarkarena terlalu panas, jadibiasa lilin dan lilin LED dapat digunakan.

23oz Electroplated Glass Cylinder Candle Holders factory

Tempat lilin adalah salah satu barang dekorasi rumah, memberikan efek yang sangat menenangkan dan menenangkan jika ditempatkan dengan benar. Cahaya lilin mewakili banyak hal - kedamaian, ketenangan, relaksasi, dan romansa hanyalah beberapa.

23oz Electroplated Glass Cylinder Candle Holders manufacture

Di mana pun Anda memutuskan untuk menggunakan lilin, merekaakan menciptakan lingkungan yang lebih hangat dan ramah tidak hanya untuk tamu tetapi juga untuk diri Anda sendiri! Hadiah chic untuk keluarga atau teman Anda!

23oz Electroplated Glass Cylinder Candle Holders factory

Saat Anda minum secangkir kopi, Anda dapat menyalakan lilin beraroma dan duduk di kursi untuk menikmati ketenangan dan santaiaromaterapi bau. Aromaterapi cAndle dianggap sebagai obat penenang alami yang dapat meredakan stres dan bahkan mengatur mode tidurs.

23oz Electroplated Glass Cylinder Candle Holders supplier

HARDERSON Menawarkan desain grafis yang disesuaikan untuk kacaJar layanan dekorasi dan pencetakan untuk toples dan tutup kaca.


Karton bergelombang dengan pembagi papan silang, aman untuk pengiriman internasional. Persyaratan kemasan yang disesuaikan diterima.

23oz Electroplated Glass Cylinder Candle Holders manufacture23oz Electroplated Glass Cylinder Candle Holders factory

