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Customize Harderson Red Concrete Cement Lids with Knob for Candle Jars Key Word: Candle Jar Lid, food container lid, tea jar Lid, storage jar lid, Candle jar
Customize Harderson Red Concrete Cement Lids with Knob for Candle Jars Key Word: Candle Jar Lid, food container lid, tea jar Lid, storage jar lid, Candle jar
Customize Harderson Red Concrete Cement Lids with Knob for Candle Jars Key Word: Candle Jar Lid, food container lid, tea jar Lid, storage jar lid, Candle jar
Customize Harderson Red Concrete Cement Lids with Knob for Candle Jars Key Word: Candle Jar Lid, food container lid, tea jar Lid, storage jar lid, Candle jar
Customize Harderson Red Concrete Cement Lids with Knob for Candle Jars Key Word: Candle Jar Lid, food container lid, tea jar Lid, storage jar lid, Candle jar
Customize Harderson Red Concrete Cement Lids with Knob for Candle Jars Key Word: Candle Jar Lid, food container lid, tea jar Lid, storage jar lid, Candle jar
Customize Harderson Red Concrete Cement Lids with Knob for Candle Jars Key Word: Candle Jar Lid, food container lid, tea jar Lid, storage jar lid, Candle jar
Customize Harderson Red Concrete Cement Lids with Knob for Candle Jars Key Word: Candle Jar Lid, food container lid, tea jar Lid, storage jar lid, Candle jar
Customize Harderson Red Concrete Cement Lids with Knob for Candle Jars Key Word: Candle Jar Lid, food container lid, tea jar Lid, storage jar lid, Candle jar
Customize Harderson Red Concrete Cement Lids with Knob for Candle Jars Key Word: Candle Jar Lid, food container lid, tea jar Lid, storage jar lid, Candle jar
Customize Harderson Red Concrete Cement Lids with Knob for Candle Jars Key Word: Candle Jar Lid, food container lid, tea jar Lid, storage jar lid, Candle jar
Customize Harderson Red Concrete Cement Lids with Knob for Candle Jars Key Word: Candle Jar Lid, food container lid, tea jar Lid, storage jar lid, Candle jar
Customize Harderson Red Concrete Cement Lids with Knob for Candle Jars Key Word: Candle Jar Lid, food container lid, tea jar Lid, storage jar lid, Candle jar
Customize Harderson Red Concrete Cement Lids with Knob for Candle Jars Key Word: Candle Jar Lid, food container lid, tea jar Lid, storage jar lid, Candle jar
Customize Harderson Red Concrete Cement Lids with Knob for Candle Jars Key Word: Candle Jar Lid, food container lid, tea jar Lid, storage jar lid, Candle jar
Customize Harderson Red Concrete Cement Lids with Knob for Candle Jars Key Word: Candle Jar Lid, food container lid, tea jar Lid, storage jar lid, Candle jar

Sesuaikan Tutup Semen Beton Merah Harderson dengan Kenop untuk Toples Lilin Kata Kunci: Tutup Tabung Lilin, tutup wadah makanan, tutup toples teh, tutup toples penyimpanan, toples lilin


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Customize Harderson Red Concrete Cement Lids with Knob for Candle Jars Key Word: Candle Jar Lid, food container lid, tea jar Lid, storage jar lid, Candle jar

FOB: $0.00-0.10/pc | 3000 pcs (Min.Order) | 1 buyer

Product Introduction

The round concrete lid is made in China. It with natual outlook , its a concrete cover for your candle jars, storage jars, beauty containers etc. Custom colorful finish concrete lids that are used as candle concrete cement jars or storage concrete cement jars.

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Diameter: 82mm, Knob Diameter: 23mm, Knob Height: 13mm, Total Height: 21.5mm

Fill Capacity:


Overflow Capacity:


Approx. Weight:


Neck Specs:







custom colors acceptable

Printing & logo:


Surface Handling:

silk screen,electroplating, hot stamping, decal, label, etc.

Item Number:


Product Features and Application

Custom colorful finish concrete lids that are used as candle concrete cement jars or storage concrete jars.


The Concrete lid with different sizes, suitable for sealing different container containing candle, spices, candies, biscuits, fruits, jams, soda, tea or coffee, nails, screws and other small objects. Please make sure the size before buying.


Home fragrance potpourri and candles are good for aromatherapy to lift your spirit. These Concrete lids are helpful to carry your loved fragrances with you to anywhere you go.


Made by food grade concrete, not only can you use it to get filled with candles, and you can also put cakes, chocolates, dried fruits and other foods inside the storage jars.


Highly welcome to custom your brand lid! Each year, our designers and engineers do many private-label (OEM and ODM) candle jars and lids for customers.


HARDERSON offers customized graphic design for candle jar lid decorations and molding service for candle jars lids.



Corrugated standard carton, safe for international shipments.Customized packaging requirements are accepted.




,00-0,10/pc | 3000 buah, (Min.Order) | 1 pembeli

Perkenalan produk

Si beton bulat tutupnya adalah mAdedi Cina. Dia dengan pandangan alami, itus sebuahbetonmenutupi untuk lilin AndaJars, stoples penyimpanan, wadah kecantikan dll. Adat Berwarnaselesaibeton tutupans itudigunakan sebagai lilinbeton sementoples atau penyimpanansemen beton Jars.

  • Parameter
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Diameter: 82Mm, Diameter Kenop: 23mm, KenopTinggi: 13Mm, Tinggi Total: 21.5mm

Isi Kapasitas:


Kapasitas Luapan:


Sebuahpprox. Berat:


NSpesifikasi eck:







warna khusus dapat diterima

Pencetakan & logo:


Penanganan permukaan:

layar sutra, pelapisan listrik, hot stamping, stiker, label, dll.

Nomor barang:

WJ280 ·-HP0176A0

Fitur dan Aplikasi Produk

Adat Berwarnaselesaibeton tutupans itudigunakan sebagai lilinsemen beton toples ataupenyimpanan beton Jars.


TdiaBeton tutupandengan ukuran yang berbeda, sdapat digunakan untuk menyegel wadah yang berbeda berisi lilin, rempah-rempah, permen, biskuit, buah-buahan, selai, soda, teh atau kopi, paku, sekrup, dan benda-benda kecil lainnya. Harap pastikan ukurannya sebelum membeli.


Bunga rampai dan lilin wewangian rumah baik untuk aromaterapi untuk mengangkat semangat Anda.IniBeton Tutupsangat membantu untuk membawa wewangian kesayangan Anda ke mana pun Anda pergi.


Dibuat oleh food gradebeton, Anda tidak hanya dapat menggunakannya untukIsi dengan Lilindan Kamu bisa jugaTaruh kue, cokelat, buah-buahan kering dan makanan lainnya di dalam stoples penyimpanan.


Sangat selamat datang untuk menyesuaikan tutup merek Anda! Setiap tahun, desainer dan insinyur kami melakukanytoples lilin label pribadi (OEM dan ODM) dantutup untuk pelanggans.


HARDERSON menawarkan desain grafis yang disesuaikan untuktutup toples lilin layanan dekorasi dan cetakan untuktutup toples lilin.



Bergelombangstandarkarton, aman untuk pengiriman internasional. Persyaratan kemasan yang disesuaikan diterima.




customize harderson red concrete cement lids with knob for candle jars key word candle jar lid food container lid tea jar lid storage jar lid candle jar-79customize harderson red concrete cement lids with knob for candle jars key word candle jar lid food container lid tea jar lid storage jar lid candle jar-80customize harderson red concrete cement lids with knob for candle jars key word candle jar lid food container lid tea jar lid storage jar lid candle jar-81