FOB: $0.52 - $0.75/Set | 3000 Set/Sets(Min.Order) | 1 buyer
Product Introduction
This lovely vintage glass perfume bottle is a perfect style for women fragrances. It is elegant and beautiful. It can be filled with perfumes and can be carried in any situation.
Dimension: |
Max Length: 91.5mm*Max Width:56.4mm, Full Height: 83.9mm |
Fill Capacity: |
100ml, 3.33oz for fragrance |
Overflow Capacity: |
104ml |
Approx. Weight: |
196g |
Neck Specs: |
15mm |
Material: |
glass for bottle |
Craft: |
machine blown |
Color: |
custom color acceptable |
Printing & logo: |
customizable |
Surface Handling: |
color spraying, silk screen,electroplating, hot stamping, decal, label, etc. |
Item Number: |
WJ013-HG1610A |
Product Features and Application
Custom gradient colors for private label glass perfume bottle. It is of crystal transparent clarity in high-end looking quality. Unique mist atomizer for perfume, with elegant metal collar and stylish plastic cap. What an amazing Arabic style gift perfume for your friends!
The unique shape of this perfume bottle is designed on ergonomics and human engineering, comfortable to hold in hands.
HARDERSON uses environment friendly water-based (water-soluble) paints for glass perfume decorations. These color paintings pass Coating Adhesion by Tape Test and Resistance of Surface Finishes to Humidity Test.
In order to meet the varied specific preference from clients, HARDERSON offers custom glass bottle design, engineering and molding. Welcome to contact us!
HARDERSON has a wide selection of mist sprayers, atomizers, plastic caps, aluminum caps and collars. We do UV coating finish on plastic components, and screen printings and hot stamping decorations are offered for caps, collars and bottles.
This empty bottle for perfumes is unique and stylish. A pretty addition to women's daily beauty. It is cute and attractive with a gradient pink look. You can be as creative as you want and mix your signature scent.
HARDERSON offers customized graphic design for perfume bottle decorations and molding service for glass bottles and caps.
Corrugated carton with cross board dividers, safe for international shipments.Customized packaging requirements are accepted.
FOB: $0.52 - $0.75/Set | 3000 Set/Sets(Min.Order) | 1 buyer
Product Introduction
This lovely vintage glass perfume bottle is a perfect style for women fragrances. It is elegant and beautiful. It can be filled with perfumes and can be carried in any situation.
Dimension: |
Max Length: 91.5mm*Max Width:56.4mm, Full Height: 83.9mm |
Fill Capacity: |
100ml, 3.33oz for fragrance |
Overflow Capacity: |
104ml |
Approx. Weight: |
196g |
Neck Specs: |
15mm |
Material: |
glass for bottle |
Craft: |
machine blown |
Color: |
custom color acceptable |
Printing & logo: |
customizable |
Surface Handling: |
color spraying, silk screen,electroplating, hot stamping, decal, label, etc. |
Item Number: |
WJ013-HG1610A |
Product Features and Application
Custom gradient colors for private label glass perfume bottle. It is of crystal transparent clarity in high-end looking quality. Unique mist atomizer for perfume, with elegant metal collar and stylish plastic cap. What an amazing Arabic style gift perfume for your friends!
The unique shape of this perfume bottle is designed on ergonomics and human engineering, comfortable to hold in hands.
HARDERSON uses environment friendly water-based (water-soluble) paints for glass perfume decorations. These color paintings pass Coating Adhesion by Tape Test and Resistance of Surface Finishes to Humidity Test.
In order to meet the varied specific preference from clients, HARDERSON offers custom glass bottle design, engineering and molding. Welcome to contact us!
HARDERSON has a wide selection of mist sprayers, atomizers, plastic caps, aluminum caps and collars. We do UV coating finish on plastic components, and screen printings and hot stamping decorations are offered for caps, collars and bottles.
This empty bottle for perfumes is unique and stylish. A pretty addition to women's daily beauty. It is cute and attractive with a gradient pink look. You can be as creative as you want and mix your signature scent.
HARDERSON offers customized graphic design for perfume bottle decorations and molding service for glass bottles and caps.
Corrugated carton with cross board dividers, safe for international shipments.Customized packaging requirements are accepted.
Vara Inngangur
Þessi yndislega vintage ilmvatnsflaska úr gleri er fullkominn stíll fyrir kvenilm. Það er glæsilegt og fallegt. Það er hægt að fylla það með ilmvötnum og hægt að bera það í hvaða aðstæðum sem er.
Vídd: |
Hámarks lengd:91.5Mm* Hámarks breidd:56.4Mm, Full hæð: 83,9 mm |
Fyllingargeta: |
100ml,3.33oz fyrir ilm |
OVerflow Stærð: |
104ml |
U.þ.b. þyngd: |
196g |
Neck sérstakur: |
15mm |
Efni: |
gler fyrir flösku |
Cfleki: |
vél blásin |
COlor: |
sérsniðinn litur ásættanlegur |
Prentun og merki: |
Customizable |
Meðhöndlun yfirborðs: |
litaúða, silki skjár, rafhúðun, heitt stimplun, merkimiði, merkimiða osfrv. |
ÉgNúmer: |
WJ013-HG1610A |
Vörueiginleikar og notkun
Sérsniðnir hallalitir fyrir ilmvatnsflösku úr gleri fyrir einkamerki. Það er af kristalgagnsæjum tærleika í hágæða útliti. Einstök úðaúðakrem fyrir ilmvatn, með glæsilegum málmkraga og stílhreinum plasthettu. Þvílíkt ótrúlegt gjafailmvatn í arabískum stíl fyrir vini þína!
Einstök lögun þessarar ilmvatnsflösku er hönnuð á vinnuvistfræði og mannlegri verkfræði, þægilegt að halda í höndum.
HARDERSON notar umhverfisvæna vatnsbundna (vatnsleysanlega) málningu fyrir ilmvatnsskreytingar úr gleri. Þessi litamálverk standast húðunarviðloðun með límbandsprófi og viðnám yfirborðsáferðar gegn rakaprófi.
Til að mæta fjölbreyttum sérstökum óskum viðskiptavina, býður HARDERSON upp á sérsniðna glerflöskuhönnun, verkfræði og mótun. Velkomið að hafa samband við okkur!
HARDERSON er með mikið úrval af úðaúðum, úðavélum, plasthettum, álhettum og kraga. Við gerum UV húðun á plastíhlutum og skjáprentun og heitstimplun skreytingar eru í boði fyrir húfur, kraga og flöskur.
Þessi tóma flaska fyrir ilmvötn er einstök og stílhrein. Falleg viðbót við daglega fegurð kvenna. Það er sætt og aðlaðandi með hallandi bleiku útliti. Þú getur verið eins skapandi og þú vilt og blandað einkennisilminum þínum.
HARÐUR SONUR býður upp á sérsniðna grafíska hönnun fyrir ilmvatnsflöskuskreytingar og mótunarþjónustu fyrir glerflöskur og húfur.
Bylgjupappaaskja með krossbrettaskilrúmum, örugg fyrir alþjóðlegar sendingar. Sérsniðnar kröfur um umbúðir eru samþykktar.