FOB: $0.59 - $0.81/Set | 3000 Set/Sets(Min.Order) | 1 buyer
Product Introduction
High quality custom personalized unique shape perfume bottle with gradient color effect, perfect with decorative Surlyn cap. This cute looking vintage glass fragrance container is an ideal gift for your friends and family.
Dimension: |
Botton: L 42.6mm*W 42.6mm, Max L55.5mm, Full Height: 87.5mm |
Fill Capacity: |
90ml, 3oz for fragrance |
Overflow Capacity: |
93ml |
Approx. Weight: |
240g |
Neck Specs: |
18mm |
Material: |
glass for bottle |
Craft: |
machine blown |
Color: |
custom color acceptable |
Printing & logo: |
customizable |
Surface Handling: |
color spraying, silk screen,electroplating, hot stamping, decal, label, etc. |
Item Number: |
WJ014-HG1606 |
Product Features and Application
High quality custom gradient colors luxury perfume bottles, the perfect complement to a woman's everyday beauty. Sparkling crystal appearance, light and attractive.
Square Surlyn cap, gold sprayer and metallic red collar over glass bottle shoulder. Human engineering or ergonomics is taken in molding the glass shape over the bottle body, making it comfortable to hold in hands.
Clear and shiny, a great elegant decoration to your bathroom and dresser. High quality transparent Surlyn cap is decorated to your bottles. Give it to that special person in your life and remind her how much you care about her!
It is classy and very useful. They can have handy perfume with them to carry in any occasions. Perfect as a Christmas Present or a birthday presnet.
This fragrance bottle glass has a very thick bottom that helps to project the gradient purple color at the bottom up towards the bottle shoulder.
Love colors and love fragrances! Not every perfume container product is born to be classic, but the recreation will give its soul and life of the fragrances filled in.
HARDERSON offers customized graphic design for perfume bottle decorations and molding service for glass bottles and caps.
Corrugated carton with cross board dividers, safe for international shipments.Customized packaging requirements are accepted.
FOB: $0.59 - $0.81/Set | 3000 Set/Sets(Min.Order) | 1 buyer
Product Introduction
High quality custom personalized unique shape perfume bottle with gradient color effect, perfect with decorative Surlyn cap. This cute looking vintage glass fragrance container is an ideal gift for your friends and family.
Dimension: |
Botton: L 42.6mm*W 42.6mm, Max L55.5mm, Full Height: 87.5mm |
Fill Capacity: |
90ml, 3oz for fragrance |
Overflow Capacity: |
93ml |
Approx. Weight: |
240g |
Neck Specs: |
18mm |
Material: |
glass for bottle |
Craft: |
machine blown |
Color: |
custom color acceptable |
Printing & logo: |
customizable |
Surface Handling: |
color spraying, silk screen,electroplating, hot stamping, decal, label, etc. |
Item Number: |
WJ014-HG1606 |
Product Features and Application
High quality custom gradient colors luxury perfume bottles, the perfect complement to a woman's everyday beauty. Sparkling crystal appearance, light and attractive.
Square Surlyn cap, gold sprayer and metallic red collar over glass bottle shoulder. Human engineering or ergonomics is taken in molding the glass shape over the bottle body, making it comfortable to hold in hands.
Clear and shiny, a great elegant decoration to your bathroom and dresser. High quality transparent Surlyn cap is decorated to your bottles. Give it to that special person in your life and remind her how much you care about her!
It is classy and very useful. They can have handy perfume with them to carry in any occasions. Perfect as a Christmas Present or a birthday presnet.
This fragrance bottle glass has a very thick bottom that helps to project the gradient purple color at the bottom up towards the bottle shoulder.
Love colors and love fragrances! Not every perfume container product is born to be classic, but the recreation will give its soul and life of the fragrances filled in.
HARDERSON offers customized graphic design for perfume bottle decorations and molding service for glass bottles and caps.
Corrugated carton with cross board dividers, safe for international shipments.Customized packaging requirements are accepted.
Vara Inngangur
Hágæða sérsniðin einstök lögun ilmvatnsflaska með hallandi litaáhrifum, fullkomin með skrautlegu Surlyn hettu. Þetta sæta vintage ilmílát úr gleri er tilvalin gjöf fyrir vini þína og fjölskyldu.
Vídd: |
Botn: L42.6Mm*W42,6 mm, Max L55.5mm, Full hæð: 87.5mm |
Fyllingargeta: |
90Ml3oz fyrir ilm |
Yfirfall Rúmtak: |
93ml |
U.þ.b. þyngd: |
240g |
Neck sérstakur: |
18mm |
Efni: |
gler fyrir flösku |
Cfleki: |
vél blásin |
COlor: |
sérsniðinn litur ásættanlegur |
Prentun og merki: |
Customizable |
Meðhöndlun yfirborðs: |
litaúða, silki skjár, rafhúðun, heitt stimplun, merkimiði, merkimiða osfrv. |
ÉgNúmer: |
WJ014-HG1606 |
Vörueiginleikar og notkun
Hágæða sérsniðnir hallandi litir lúxus ilmvatnsflöskur, fullkomin viðbót við hversdagsfegurð konunnar. Glitrandi kristal útlit, létt og aðlaðandi.
Ferkantað Surlyn húfa, gullúði og rauður málmkragi yfir öxl glerflösku. Mannleg verkfræði eða vinnuvistfræði er tekin við að móta glerformið yfir flöskulíkamann, sem gerir það þægilegt að halda í höndum.
Tær og glansandi, frábær glæsileg skraut á baðherbergið og kommóðuna. Hágæða gagnsæ Surlyn hettan er skreytt við flöskurnar þínar. Gefðu þessari sérstöku manneskju í lífi þínu það og minntu hana á hversu mikið þér þykir vænt um hana!
Það er flott og mjög gagnlegt. Þeir geta haft handhægt ilmvatn með sér til að hafa með sér við hvaða tækifæri sem er. Fullkomið sem jólagjöf eða afmælishátíð.
Þetta ilmflöskugler er með mjög þykkan botn sem hjálpar til við að varpa hallandi fjólubláa litnum neðst upp í átt að öxl flöskunnar.
Elska liti og elska ilmi! Ekki eru allar ilmvatnsílátsvörur fæddar til að vera klassískar, en afþreyingin mun gefa sál sína og líf ilmanna fyllt inn.
HARÐUR SONUR býður upp á sérsniðna grafíska hönnun fyrir ilmvatnsflöskuskreytingar og mótunarþjónustu fyrir glerflöskur og húfur.
Bylgjupappaaskja með krossbrettaskilrúmum, örugg fyrir alþjóðlegar sendingar. Sérsniðnar kröfur um umbúðir eru samþykktar.