FOB: $0.00 - $0.00/Set | 3000 Sets(Min.Order) | 1 buyer Product Introduction The glass diffuser bottles are decent gifts for friends, family members, relatives, colleagues and other acquaintance in daily use, gathering party, wedding, anniversary, events, SPA, meditation, bedroom living room bathroom setting and other occasions. Specifications Dimension: Top Diameter: 29mm, Max Diameter: 103mm, Full Height: 109mm Fill Capacity: 160ml, 7oz for fragrance Overflow Capacity: 175ml Approx. Weight: 199g Neck Specs: 32mm Material: soda lime glass for bottle Craft: machine blown glass Color: custom color acceptable Printing & logo: customizable Surface Handling: color spraying, silk screen,electroplating, hot stamping, decal, label, etc. Item Number: AL169-HG0593 Product Features and Application You can fill the bottles with essential oil to make the room air fresh and soothing and the fragrance will come out through the aroma sticks. And also display them in your house as home crafs decorations or flower vases. They sure will be eye-catching decor and bring compliments. Classic Glass Diffuser Bottles, Can be as a DIY craft, home decor, brings you luscious romantic scented. Pour in aromatic essential oils and insert reeds to spread the fragrance to all corners of your house, fill the room with fresh and it is the first choice for purifying the air, improving environmental hygiene, strengthening physique and protecting olfactory function. Ideal reed substitute for aromatherapy dispensers, essential oils or liquid fragrances that help create a natural and relaxing aroma. Reed diffuser oil refill Ideal for everyday bedroom and living room use, weddings, events, aromatherapy, spas, auras, meditations, bathrooms and more! HARDERSON offers customized graphic design for diffuser bottle decorations and molding service for diffuser bottles. Packaging Corrugated carton with cross board dividers, safe for international shipments.Customized packaging requirements are accepted. FOB: $0.00 - $0.00/Set | 3000 Sets(Min.Order) | 1 buyer Product Introduction The glass diffuser bottles are decent gifts for friends, family members, relatives, colleagues and other acquaintance in daily use, gathering party, wedding, anniversary, events, SPA, meditation, bedroom living room bathroom setting and other occasions. Specifications Dimension: Top Diameter: 29mm, Max Diameter: 103mm, Full Height: 109mm Fill Capacity: 160ml, 7oz for fragrance Overflow Capacity: 175ml Approx. Weight: 199g Neck Specs: 32mm Material: soda lime glass for bottle Craft: machine blown glass Color: custom color acceptable Printing & logo: customizable Surface Handling: color spraying, silk screen,electroplating, hot stamping, decal, label, etc. Item Number: AL169-HG0593 Product Features and Application You can fill the bottles with essential oil to make the room air fresh and soothing and the fragrance will come out through the aroma sticks. And also display them in your house as home crafs decorations or flower vases. They sure will be eye-catching decor and bring compliments. Classic Glass Diffuser Bottles, Can be as a DIY craft, home decor, brings you luscious romantic scented. Pour in aromatic essential oils and insert reeds to spread the fragrance to all corners of your house, fill the room with fresh and it is the first choice for purifying the air, improving environmental hygiene, strengthening physique and protecting olfactory function. Ideal reed substitute for aromatherapy dispensers, essential oils or liquid fragrances that help create a natural and relaxing aroma. Reed diffuser oil refill Ideal for everyday bedroom and living room use, weddings, events, aromatherapy, spas, auras, meditations, bathrooms and more! HARDERSON offers customized graphic design for diffuser bottle decorations and molding service for diffuser bottles. Packaging Corrugated carton with cross board dividers, safe for international shipments.Customized packaging requirements are accepted.Mercury Gold Diffuser Bottle with Stopper
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Vara Inngangur
Glerdreifarflöskurnar eru ágætis gjafir fyrir vini, fjölskyldumeðlimi, ættingja, samstarfsfólk og aðra kunningja í daglegri notkun, samkomuveislu, brúðkaupi, afmæli, viðburðum, SPA, hugleiðslu, svefnherbergi, stofu, baðherbergi og öðrum tilefnum.
Vídd: |
Top Þvermál: 29mm,Hámarks þvermál: 103Mm,Full hæð: 109Mm |
Fyllingargeta: |
160ml,7oz fyrir ilm |
OVerflow Stærð: |
175ml |
Approx. Þyngd: |
199g |
Neck sérstakur: |
32mm |
MLoft: |
gos lime gler fyrirflaska |
Cfleki: |
vél Blásið gler |
Litur: |
sérsniðinn litur ásættanlegur |
Prentun og merki: |
Customizable |
Meðhöndlun yfirborðs: |
litaúða, silki skjár, rafhúðun, heitt stimplun, merkimiði, merkimiða osfrv. |
Vörunúmer: |
AL169-HG0593 |
Vörueiginleikar og notkun
Þú geturFylltu flöskurnar með ilmkjarnaolíu til að gera herbergið ferskt og róandi og ilmurinn mun koma út um ilmstöngina.Og Sýndu þau líka heima hjá þér sem skraut eða blómavasa. Þeir munu örugglega vera áberandi innréttingar og koma með hrós.
Klassískar glerdreififlöskur, geta verið sem DIY handverk, heimilisskreytingar, færir þér ljúffengan rómantískan ilm.
Hellið arómatískum ilmkjarnaolíum út í og setjið reyr til að dreifa ilminum til allra horna hússins, fylltu herbergið af fersku og það er fyrsti kosturinn til að hreinsa loftið, bæta hreinlæti í umhverfinu, styrkja líkamsbyggingu og vernda lyktarvirkni.
Tilvalin staðgengill reyr fyrir ilmmeðferðarskammtara, ilmkjarnaolíur eða fljótandi ilm sem hjálpa til við að skapa náttúrulegan og slakandi ilm.
Tilvalið fyrir daglega notkun í svefnherbergi og stofu, brúðkaup, viðburði, ilmmeðferð, heilsulindir, árur, hugleiðslur, baðherbergi og fleira!
HARDERSON býður upp á sérsniðna grafíska hönnun fyrirDreifir flaska skreytingar og mótunarþjónusta fyrirDreifir flaskas.
Bylgjupappaaskja með krossbrettaskilrúmum, örugg fyrir alþjóðlegar sendingar. Sérsniðnar kröfur um umbúðir eru samþykktar.