FOB: $0.00 - $0.00/Set | 3000 Sets(Min.Order) | 1 buyer
Product Introduction With different colors, these bottles are perfect for adding elegant vintage style and a decorative touch to any room décor, wedding or special event. Specifications Dimension: Bottom Diameter: 44mm, Full Height: 89mm Fill Capacity: 55ml, 1.85 oz for fragrance Overflow Capacity: 60ml Approx. Weight: 107g Neck Specs: n/a Material: glass for bottle Craft: machine blown Color: custom colors acceptable Printing & logo: customizable Surface Handling: color spraying, silk screen,electroplating, hot stamping, decal, label, etc. Item Number: AL190-HG0577 Product Features and Application The glass diffuser bottles are designed in different colors and patterns. None of them are the same in the set. Very special and attractive. Classic pretty glass diffuser bottles,can be as a DIY craft,home decor,brings you luscious romantic scented. Whether you put it in the bedroom, living room, bathroom, or office, it will be a beautiful piece of art. Bring pleasing fragrance into the air by using as a diffuser by simply placing oil in the bottles and putting diffuser reeds in to absorb and diffuse scent for aromatherapy or meditation, or in a spa or bathroom setting oils and reeds. The glass diffuser bottles are decent gifts for friends, family members, relatives, colleagues and other acquaintance in daily use, gathering party, wedding, anniversary, events, SPA, meditation, bedroom living room bathroom setting and other occasions. HARDERSON offers customized graphic design for diffuser bottle decorations and molding service for diffuser bottles. Packaging Corrugated carton with cross board dividers, safe for international shipments.Customized packaging requirements are accepted. FOB: $0.00 - $0.00/Set | 3000 Sets(Min.Order) | 1 buyer
Product Introduction With different colors, these bottles are perfect for adding elegant vintage style and a decorative touch to any room décor, wedding or special event. Specifications Dimension: Bottom Diameter: 44mm, Full Height: 89mm Fill Capacity: 55ml, 1.85 oz for fragrance Overflow Capacity: 60ml Approx. Weight: 107g Neck Specs: n/a Material: glass for bottle Craft: machine blown Color: custom colors acceptable Printing & logo: customizable Surface Handling: color spraying, silk screen,electroplating, hot stamping, decal, label, etc. Item Number: AL190-HG0577 Product Features and Application The glass diffuser bottles are designed in different colors and patterns. None of them are the same in the set. Very special and attractive. Classic pretty glass diffuser bottles,can be as a DIY craft,home decor,brings you luscious romantic scented. Whether you put it in the bedroom, living room, bathroom, or office, it will be a beautiful piece of art. Bring pleasing fragrance into the air by using as a diffuser by simply placing oil in the bottles and putting diffuser reeds in to absorb and diffuse scent for aromatherapy or meditation, or in a spa or bathroom setting oils and reeds. The glass diffuser bottles are decent gifts for friends, family members, relatives, colleagues and other acquaintance in daily use, gathering party, wedding, anniversary, events, SPA, meditation, bedroom living room bathroom setting and other occasions. HARDERSON offers customized graphic design for diffuser bottle decorations and molding service for diffuser bottles. Packaging Corrugated carton with cross board dividers, safe for international shipments.Customized packaging requirements are accepted.Small Aroma Diffuser Glass Bottles in Different Colors
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Small Aroma Diffuser Glass Bottles in Different Colors
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Vara Inngangur
Með mismunandi litum eru þessar flöskur fullkomnar til að bæta glæsilegum vintage stíl og skrautlegum blæ við hvaða herbergisinnréttingu, brúðkaup eða sérstakan viðburð sem er.
Vídd: |
Botn Þvermál: 44Mm,Full hæð: 89Mm |
Fyllingargeta: |
55Ml1.85oz fyrir ilm |
Yfirfall Rúmtak: |
60ml |
U.þ.b. þyngd: |
107g |
Neck sérstakur: |
N/a |
Efni: |
gler fyrir flösku |
Cfleki: |
vél blásin |
COlor: |
sérsniðnir litir ásættanlegur |
Prentun og merki: |
Customizable |
Meðhöndlun yfirborðs: |
litaúða, silki skjár, rafhúðun, heitt stimplun, merkimiði, merkimiða osfrv. |
ÉgNúmer: |
AL190-HG0577 |
Vörueiginleikar og notkun
Glerdreifarflöskurnar eru hannaðar í mismunandiLitiog mynstur. Ekkert þeirra er eins í settinu. Mjög sérstakt og aðlaðandi.
Klassískar fallegar glerdreififlöskur, geta verið sem DIY handverk, heimilisskreytingar, færir þér ljúffengan rómantískan ilm.
Hvort sem þú setur það í svefnherbergið, stofuna, baðherbergið eða skrifstofuna verður það fallegt listaverk.
Komdu ánægjulegum ilm út í loftið með því að nota sem dreifara með því einfaldlega að setja olíu í flöskurnar og setja dreifara í til að gleypa og dreifa ilm fyrir ilmmeðferð eða hugleiðslu, eða í heilsulind eða baðherbergi þar sem þú setur olíur og reyr.
Glerdreifarflöskurnar eru ágætis gjafir fyrir vini, fjölskyldumeðlimi, ættingja, samstarfsfólk og aðra kunningja í daglegri notkun, samkomuveislu, brúðkaupi, afmæli, viðburðum, SPA, hugleiðslu, svefnherbergi, stofu, baðherbergi og öðrum tilefnum.
HARDERSON býður upp á sérsniðna grafíska hönnun fyrirDreifir flaska skreytingar og mótunarþjónusta fyrirDreifir flaskas.
Bylgjupappaaskja með krossbrettaskilrúmum, örugg fyrir alþjóðlegar sendingar. Sérsniðnar kröfur um umbúðir eru samþykktar.