FOB: $0 - $0/Set | 3000 Set/Sets(Min.Order) | 1 buyer Product Introduction Vintage vertical ribbed, are perfect for adding elegant antique style and a decorative touch to any room décor, wedding or special event. Specifications Dimension: Width: 44mm * Height: 74mm Fill Capacity: 170ml, 1.35 oz for fragrance Overflow Capacity: 40ml Approx. Weight: 45g Neck Specs: 24mm Material: glass for bottle Craft: machine blown Color: custom color acceptable Printing & logo: customizable Surface Handling: color spraying, silk screen,electroplating, hot stamping, decal, label, etc. Item Number: AL157-HG0761 Product Features and Application Harderson diffuser bottles are made of high quality glass material, safe and eco-friendly, sturdy and durable, beautiful and practical, a long time use life. Bring pleasing fragrance into the air by using as a diffuser by simply placing oil in the bottles and putting diffuser reeds in to absorb and diffuse scent for aromatherapy or meditation, or in a spa or bathroom setting oils and reeds not included. Harderson diffuser bottles are made of good glass material, safe and eco-friendly, sturdy and durable, can be used for a long time. You can choose to add or remove the number of reed sticks to match your preferences. When the fragrance weakens, simply turn the reed sticks upside down or replace them with new ones. It is recommended to use 2 to 4 reed sticks per bottle. Use for DIY replacement reed diffuser gift sets with essential Oils, reed sticks. Perfect for homes, office, wedding, aromatherapy, Spa, Meditation, Bathroom, etc. HARDERSON offers customized graphic design for diffuser bottle decorations and molding service for diffuser bottles. Packaging Corrugated carton with cross board dividers, safe for international shipments.Customized packaging requirements are accepted. FOB: $0 - $0/Set | 3000 Set/Sets(Min.Order) | 1 buyer Product Introduction Vintage vertical ribbed, are perfect for adding elegant antique style and a decorative touch to any room décor, wedding or special event. Specifications Dimension: Width: 44mm * Height: 74mm Fill Capacity: 170ml, 1.35 oz for fragrance Overflow Capacity: 40ml Approx. Weight: 45g Neck Specs: 24mm Material: glass for bottle Craft: machine blown Color: custom color acceptable Printing & logo: customizable Surface Handling: color spraying, silk screen,electroplating, hot stamping, decal, label, etc. Item Number: AL157-HG0761 Product Features and Application Harderson diffuser bottles are made of high quality glass material, safe and eco-friendly, sturdy and durable, beautiful and practical, a long time use life. Bring pleasing fragrance into the air by using as a diffuser by simply placing oil in the bottles and putting diffuser reeds in to absorb and diffuse scent for aromatherapy or meditation, or in a spa or bathroom setting oils and reeds not included. Harderson diffuser bottles are made of good glass material, safe and eco-friendly, sturdy and durable, can be used for a long time. You can choose to add or remove the number of reed sticks to match your preferences. When the fragrance weakens, simply turn the reed sticks upside down or replace them with new ones. It is recommended to use 2 to 4 reed sticks per bottle. Use for DIY replacement reed diffuser gift sets with essential Oils, reed sticks. Perfect for homes, office, wedding, aromatherapy, Spa, Meditation, Bathroom, etc. HARDERSON offers customized graphic design for diffuser bottle decorations and molding service for diffuser bottles. Packaging Corrugated carton with cross board dividers, safe for international shipments.Customized packaging requirements are accepted.Vintage vertical ribbed Decor Diffuser Bottles with Stripes
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Vintage vertical ribbed Decor Diffuser Bottles with Stripes
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Vara Inngangur
Vintage lóðrétt rifflað, eru fullkomnar til að bæta glæsilegum fornstíl og skrautlegum blæ við hvaða herbergisinnréttingu, brúðkaup eða sérstakan viðburð sem er.
Vídd: |
Breidd: 44mm * Hæð: 74mm |
Fyllingargeta: |
170Ml1.35oz fyrir ilm |
Yfirfall Rúmtak: |
40ml |
U.þ.b. þyngd: |
45g |
Neck sérstakur: |
24Mm |
Efni: |
gler fyrir flösku |
Cfleki: |
vél blásin |
COlor: |
sérsniðinn litur ásættanlegur |
Prentun og merki: |
Customizable |
Meðhöndlun yfirborðs: |
litaúða, silki skjár, rafhúðun, heitt stimplun, merkimiði, merkimiða osfrv. |
ÉgNúmer: |
AL157-HG0761 |
Vörueiginleikar og notkun
Harderson dreififlöskur eru mÁHágæðaglerefni, öruggt og umhverfisvænt, traust og endingargott, fallegt og hagnýtt, langan tíma nota lífið.
Komdu ánægjulegum ilm út í loftið með því að nota sem dreifara með því einfaldlega að setja olíu í flöskurnar og setja dreifara í til að gleypa og dreifa ilm fyrir ilmmeðferð eða hugleiðslu, eða í heilsulind eða baðherbergisumhverfi olíur og reyr sem fylgja ekki með.
Harderson dreififlöskur eru mADE úr góðu glerefni, öruggt og umhverfisvænt, traust og endingargott, er hægt að nota í langan tíma.
Þú getur valið að bæta við eða fjarlægja fjölda reyrpinna til að passa við óskir þínar. Þegar ilmurinn veikist skaltu einfaldlega snúa reyrstöngunum á hvolf eða skipta þeim út fyrir nýja. Mælt er með því að nota 2 til 4 reyrstangir í hverri flösku.
Notafyrir DIY skipti á reyrdreifara gjafasett með ilmkjarnaolíum, reyrstöngum. Fullkomið fyrir heimili, skrifstofu, brúðkaup, ilmmeðferð, heilsulind, hugleiðslu, baðherbergi o.fl.
HARDERSON býður upp á sérsniðna grafíska hönnun fyrirDreifir flaska skreytingar og mótunarþjónusta fyrirDreifir flaskas.
Bylgjupappaaskja með krossbrettaskilrúmum, örugg fyrir alþjóðlegar sendingar. Sérsniðnar kröfur um umbúðir eru samþykktar.