FOB: $0.00 - $0.00/Set | 3000 Sets(Min.Order) | 1 buyer Product Introduction Vase-shaped aromatherapy diffuser bottle is made of glass material.Its durable and sturdy, beautiful and practical, enough capacity and reusable. Small bottle mouth can help you to reduce evaporation of aromatherapy.Perfect for fill in with essential oil or aromatherapy and more. Specifications Dimension: Top Diameter: 23mm, Bottom Diameter: 59mm, Full Height: 82mm Fill Capacity: 240ml, 8.1oz Overflow Capacity: 245ml Approx. Weight: 254g Neck Specs: n/a Material: soda lime glass Craft: IS Machine blown glass Color: custom colors acceptable Printing & logo: customizable Surface Handling: color spraying, silk screen,electroplating, hot stamping, decal, label, etc. Item Number: AL152-HG0355 Product Features and Application Pour in aromatic essential oils and insert reeds to spread the fragrance to all corners of your house, fill the room with fresh and it is the first choice for purifying the air, improving environmental hygiene, strengthening physique and protecting olfactory function. Modern Air Freshener-Scent your space with natural fruity and floral fragrance to eliminate odors. Place it in the bedroom, living room, bathroom, kitchen, hallway and office to instantly freshen the air and add decor. Fiber reeds absorb the fruity & floral scent fragrance oils and release an evocative fragrance in the air for months. Simple yet Elegant Artistic bottle looks like a Work of Art! Perfect Complement to surrounding decor. Our diffuser is made of thick glass material, which is strong, environmentally friendly, transparent and clean. At the same time, this kind of glass bottle is easier to clean and save troubles. Pour in aromatic essential oils and insert reeds to spread the fragrance to all corners of your house, fill the room with fresh and it is the first choice for purifying the air, improving environmental hygiene, strengthening physique and protecting olfactory function. HARDERSON offers customized graphic design for diffuser bottle decorations and molding service for diffuser bottles. Packaging Corrugated carton with cross board dividers, safe for international shipments.Customized packaging requirements are accepted. FOB: $0.00 - $0.00/Set | 3000 Sets(Min.Order) | 1 buyer Product Introduction Vase-shaped aromatherapy diffuser bottle is made of glass material.Its durable and sturdy, beautiful and practical, enough capacity and reusable. Small bottle mouth can help you to reduce evaporation of aromatherapy.Perfect for fill in with essential oil or aromatherapy and more. Specifications Dimension: Top Diameter: 23mm, Bottom Diameter: 59mm, Full Height: 82mm Fill Capacity: 240ml, 8.1oz Overflow Capacity: 245ml Approx. Weight: 254g Neck Specs: n/a Material: soda lime glass Craft: IS Machine blown glass Color: custom colors acceptable Printing & logo: customizable Surface Handling: color spraying, silk screen,electroplating, hot stamping, decal, label, etc. Item Number: AL152-HG0355 Product Features and Application Pour in aromatic essential oils and insert reeds to spread the fragrance to all corners of your house, fill the room with fresh and it is the first choice for purifying the air, improving environmental hygiene, strengthening physique and protecting olfactory function. Modern Air Freshener-Scent your space with natural fruity and floral fragrance to eliminate odors. Place it in the bedroom, living room, bathroom, kitchen, hallway and office to instantly freshen the air and add decor. Fiber reeds absorb the fruity & floral scent fragrance oils and release an evocative fragrance in the air for months. Simple yet Elegant Artistic bottle looks like a Work of Art! Perfect Complement to surrounding decor. Our diffuser is made of thick glass material, which is strong, environmentally friendly, transparent and clean. At the same time, this kind of glass bottle is easier to clean and save troubles. Pour in aromatic essential oils and insert reeds to spread the fragrance to all corners of your house, fill the room with fresh and it is the first choice for purifying the air, improving environmental hygiene, strengthening physique and protecting olfactory function. HARDERSON offers customized graphic design for diffuser bottle decorations and molding service for diffuser bottles. Packaging Corrugated carton with cross board dividers, safe for international shipments.Customized packaging requirements are accepted.Elegant Vase-Shape Decorative Glass Diffuser Bottle
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Elegant Vase-Shape Decorative Glass Diffuser Bottle
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Predstavenie produktu
Fľaša s aromaterapeutickým difuzérom v tvare vázy je vyrobená zo skleneného materiálu. Je odolný a robustný, krásny a praktický, má dostatočnú kapacitu a je opakovane použiteľný. Malé ústa fľaše vám môžu pomôcť znížiť odparovanie aromaterapie. Ideálne na naplnenie esenciálnym olejom alebo aromaterapiou a ďalšie.
Dimenzia: |
VrcholPriemer: 23Mm,DnoPriemer: 59Mm,Plná výška: 82Mm |
Kapacita naplnenia: |
240Ml8.1Oz |
Kapacita prepadu: |
245ml |
Approx. Hmotnosť: |
254g |
NŠpecifikácie eck: |
n/a |
MAteriálne: |
Sódové vápenaté sklo |
Cplť: |
IS Strojovo fúkané sklo |
COlor: |
Vlastné farby sú prijateľné |
Potlač a logo: |
Prispôsobiteľné |
Manipulácia s povrchom: |
farebné striekanie, sieťotlač, galvanické pokovovanie, razenie za tepla, nálepka, štítok atď. |
Číslo položky: |
AL152-HG0355 |
Vlastnosti a použitie produktu
Nalejte aromatické esenciálne oleje a vložte tŕstie, aby sa vôňa rozšírila do všetkých kútov vášho domu, naplnila miestnosť čerstvosťou a je to prvá voľba na čistenie vzduchu, zlepšenie hygieny životného prostredia, posilnenie postavy a ochranu čuchovej funkcie.
Moderný osviežovač vzduchu – prevoňajte svoj priestor prírodnou ovocnou a kvetinovou vôňou na odstránenie zápachu. Umiestnite ho do spálne, obývačky, kúpeľne, kuchyne, chodby a kancelárie, aby ste okamžite osviežili vzduch a dodali deVr.
Vláknité tŕstie absorbuje ovocné a kvetinové vonné vonné oleje a uvoľňuje vo vzduchu evokujúcu vôňu po celé mesiace. Jednoduchá, ale elegantná umelecká fľaša vyzerá ako umelecké dielo! Perfektný doplnok k okolitému dekoru.
Náš difúzor je vyrobený z hrubého skleneného materiálu, ktorý je pevný, šetrný k životnému prostrediu, priehľadný a čistý. Zároveň sa tento druh sklenenej fľaše ľahšie čistí a šetrí problémy.
Nalejte aromatické esenciálne oleje a vložte tŕstie, aby sa vôňa rozšírila do všetkých kútov vášho domu, naplnila miestnosť čerstvosťou a je to prvá voľba na čistenie vzduchu, zlepšenie hygieny životného prostredia, posilnenie postavy a ochranu čuchovej funkcie.
HARDERSON ponúka prispôsobený grafický dizajn prefľaša s difúzorom dekorácie a formovacie služby prefľaša s difúzoroms.
Vlnitý kartón s priečnymi prepážkami, bezpečný pre medzinárodné zásielky. Akceptujú sa prispôsobené požiadavky na balenie.