FOB: $0.00 - $0.00/Set | 3000 Sets(Min.Order) | 1 buyer Product Introduction If you have no idea what to give as a gift, then this would be a good choice for you. A neoteric gift for DIY for homes, office, wedding, aromatherapy, Spa, Meditation, Bathroom, etc. Specifications Dimension: Bottom Diameter: 53mm, Full Height: 93.5mm Fill Capacity: 100ml, 3.38oz for fragrance Overflow Capacity: 110ml Approx. Weight: 176g Neck Specs: 27mm Material: glass for bottle Craft: machine blown Color: custom colors acceptable Printing & logo: customizable Surface Handling: color spraying, silk screen,electroplating, hot stamping, decal, label, etc. Item Number: AL171-HG0831 Product Features and Application A great spot is near the door so you pick up the scent as you enter the room. Think of a diffuser as a bouquet of flowers - you'll smell the fragrance as you walk by, but it won't necessarily fill the room with fragrance. The classic and beautiful glass diffuser bottle can be used as a DIY craft and home decoration, bringing you sweet and romantic fragrance. Very suitable for family, office, party, wedding, aromatherapy, spa, bathroom, and much more. Without cover, you can pour essential oil directly into the aromatherapy bottle. The aromatherapy bottle looks exquisite and can also be decorated as a mini vase. Classic glass diffuser bottle, easy to use, reusable, recyclable, durable and easy to clean. Pour in aromatic essential oils and insert reeds to spread the fragrance to all corners of your house, fill the room with fresh and it is the first choice for purifying the air, improving environmental hygiene, strengthening physique and protecting olfactory function. Elegantly packaged, these reed diffusers arrived beautifully in a matte charcoal and gold-stamped gift boxes. This will make a wonderful gift for a friend, loved one, housewarming gifts, apartment essentials gifts, best friend gifts, and an even better treat for yourself for all occasions. HARDERSON offers customized graphic design for diffuser bottle decorations and molding service for diffuser bottles. Packaging Corrugated carton with cross board dividers, safe for international shipments.Customized packaging requirements are accepted. FOB: $0.00 - $0.00/Set | 3000 Sets(Min.Order) | 1 buyer Product Introduction If you have no idea what to give as a gift, then this would be a good choice for you. A neoteric gift for DIY for homes, office, wedding, aromatherapy, Spa, Meditation, Bathroom, etc. Specifications Dimension: Bottom Diameter: 53mm, Full Height: 93.5mm Fill Capacity: 100ml, 3.38oz for fragrance Overflow Capacity: 110ml Approx. Weight: 176g Neck Specs: 27mm Material: glass for bottle Craft: machine blown Color: custom colors acceptable Printing & logo: customizable Surface Handling: color spraying, silk screen,electroplating, hot stamping, decal, label, etc. Item Number: AL171-HG0831 Product Features and Application A great spot is near the door so you pick up the scent as you enter the room. Think of a diffuser as a bouquet of flowers - you'll smell the fragrance as you walk by, but it won't necessarily fill the room with fragrance. The classic and beautiful glass diffuser bottle can be used as a DIY craft and home decoration, bringing you sweet and romantic fragrance. Very suitable for family, office, party, wedding, aromatherapy, spa, bathroom, and much more. Without cover, you can pour essential oil directly into the aromatherapy bottle. The aromatherapy bottle looks exquisite and can also be decorated as a mini vase. Classic glass diffuser bottle, easy to use, reusable, recyclable, durable and easy to clean. Pour in aromatic essential oils and insert reeds to spread the fragrance to all corners of your house, fill the room with fresh and it is the first choice for purifying the air, improving environmental hygiene, strengthening physique and protecting olfactory function. Elegantly packaged, these reed diffusers arrived beautifully in a matte charcoal and gold-stamped gift boxes. This will make a wonderful gift for a friend, loved one, housewarming gifts, apartment essentials gifts, best friend gifts, and an even better treat for yourself for all occasions. HARDERSON offers customized graphic design for diffuser bottle decorations and molding service for diffuser bottles. Packaging Corrugated carton with cross board dividers, safe for international shipments.Customized packaging requirements are accepted.Glass Diffuser Bottles for DIY Replacement Reeds
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Glass Diffuser Bottles for DIY Replacement Reeds
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Predstavenie produktu
Ak neviete, čo darovať, potom by to bola pre vás dobrá voľba. Neoterický darček pre domácich majstrov pre domácnosti, kanceláriu, svadbu, aromaterapiu, kúpele, meditáciu, kúpeľňu atď.
Dimenzia: |
Dno Priemer: 53Mm,Plná výška: 93.5Mm |
Kapacita naplnenia: |
100Ml3.38oz pre vôňu |
Pretečenie Kapacita: |
110ml |
Približná hmotnosť: |
176g |
NŠpecifikácie eck: |
27Mm |
Materiál: |
Sklo na fľašu |
Cplť: |
strojovo fúkané |
COlor: |
Vlastné farby sú prijateľné |
Potlač a logo: |
Prispôsobiteľné |
Manipulácia s povrchom: |
farebné striekanie, sieťotlač, galvanické pokovovanie, razenie za tepla, nálepka, štítok atď. |
JaČíslo tem: |
AL171-HG0831 |
Vlastnosti a použitie produktu
Skvelé miesto je blízko dverí, takže vôňu zachytíte pri vstupe do miestnosti. Predstavte si difuzér ako kyticu kvetov - vôňu budete cítiť, keď budete prechádzať okolo, ale nemusí nevyhnutne naplniť miestnosť vôňou.
Klasický a krásny sklenený flakón s difuzérom môžete použiť ako domácu remeselnú a domácu dekoráciu, ktorá vám prinesie sladkú a romantickú vôňu. Veľmi vhodné pre rodinu, kanceláriu, párty, svadbu, aromaterapiu, kúpele, kúpeľňu a mnoho ďalšieho.
Bez krytu môžete esenciálny olej naliať priamo do aromaterapeutickej fľaše. Aromaterapeutická fľaša vyzerá nádherne a dá sa ozdobiť aj ako mini váza. Klasická sklenená fľaša s difuzérom, ľahko použiteľná, opakovane použiteľná, recyklovateľná, odolná a ľahko sa čistí.
Nalejte aromatické esenciálne oleje a vložte tŕstie, aby sa vôňa rozšírila do všetkých kútov vášho domu, naplnila miestnosť čerstvosťou a je to prvá voľba na čistenie vzduchu, zlepšenie hygieny životného prostredia, posilnenie postavy a ochranu čuchovej funkcie.
Tieto trstinové difuzéry elegantne zabalené krásne dorazili v matných darčekových krabičkách s dreveným uhlím a zlatou pečiatkou. Bude to skvelý darček pre priateľa, milovanú osobu, darčeky na kolaudáciu, darčeky pre byt, darčeky pre najlepších priateľov a ešte lepšiu pochúťku pre seba na všetky príležitosti.
HARDERSON ponúka prispôsobený grafický dizajn prefľaša s difúzorom dekorácie a formovacie služby prefľaša s difúzoroms.
Vlnitý kartón s priečnymi prepážkami, bezpečný pre medzinárodné zásielky. Akceptujú sa prispôsobené požiadavky na balenie.