FOB: $0.00 - $0.00/piece | 3000 pieces (Min.Order) | 1 buyer Product Introduction Classic white color, you can freely match any reed diffuser sticks, brings you luscious romantic scented. And it can also be used to hold other liquids, we are equipped with leak-proof corks. Use for DIY replacement reed diffuser gift sets with essential Oils, reed sticks. Perfect for homes, office, wedding, aromatherapy, Spa, Meditation, Bathroom, etc. Specifications Top Diameter: 18.5mm Max Diameter: 70mm Full Height: 82mm Fill Capacity: 90ml, 2.7oz Overflow Capacity: 115ml Approx. Weight: 300g Neck Specs: n/a Material: color powder glass Craft: mouth-blown color powder glass Color: custom colors acceptable Item Number: PH048-HG0049 Product Features and Application The luxury unique design reed diffuser won’t take up much counter or table space. Buy these for your mom, wife, lover, friends and anyone who wanted to make her own diffusers. Sturdy, extremely clear, solid. Larger than ordinary aromatherapy bottles, it can be used for aromatherapy diy, and can also be used as a decorative bottle for rooms, gardens, bathrooms, etc. It is an eye-catching Design decoration. Bring a luscious, beautiful aroma to your home with our HAREDERSON scented diffuser oils and a pretty glass diffuser bottle for worry-free home fragrance. When using in your home as a decorative and fragrance scent. Be use for DIY Replacement Reed Diffuser Sets with Essential Oils, Reed Sticks. The first choice for purifying the air, improving environmental hygiene, strengthening physique and protecting olfactory function. These are perfect for adding a decorative touch to any room's decor. Designed to perk up your favorite diffuser paired with essential oils to beautify fragrance into the air. Perfect for everyday use, wedding, events, aromatherapy, Spa, Reiki, Meditation, Bathroom setting. Packaging Corrugated carton with cross board dividers, safe for international shipments.Customized packaging requirements are accepted.
FOB: $0.00 - $0.00/piece | 3000 pieces (Min.Order) | 1 buyer Product Introduction Classic white color, you can freely match any reed diffuser sticks, brings you luscious romantic scented. And it can also be used to hold other liquids, we are equipped with leak-proof corks. Use for DIY replacement reed diffuser gift sets with essential Oils, reed sticks. Perfect for homes, office, wedding, aromatherapy, Spa, Meditation, Bathroom, etc. Specifications Top Diameter: 18.5mm Max Diameter: 70mm Full Height: 82mm Fill Capacity: 90ml, 2.7oz Overflow Capacity: 115ml Approx. Weight: 300g Neck Specs: n/a Material: color powder glass Craft: mouth-blown color powder glass Color: custom colors acceptable Item Number: PH048-HG0049 Product Features and Application The luxury unique design reed diffuser won’t take up much counter or table space. Buy these for your mom, wife, lover, friends and anyone who wanted to make her own diffusers. Sturdy, extremely clear, solid. Larger than ordinary aromatherapy bottles, it can be used for aromatherapy diy, and can also be used as a decorative bottle for rooms, gardens, bathrooms, etc. It is an eye-catching Design decoration. Bring a luscious, beautiful aroma to your home with our HAREDERSON scented diffuser oils and a pretty glass diffuser bottle for worry-free home fragrance. When using in your home as a decorative and fragrance scent. Be use for DIY Replacement Reed Diffuser Sets with Essential Oils, Reed Sticks. The first choice for purifying the air, improving environmental hygiene, strengthening physique and protecting olfactory function. These are perfect for adding a decorative touch to any room's decor. Designed to perk up your favorite diffuser paired with essential oils to beautify fragrance into the air. Perfect for everyday use, wedding, events, aromatherapy, Spa, Reiki, Meditation, Bathroom setting. Packaging Corrugated carton with cross board dividers, safe for international shipments.Customized packaging requirements are accepted.
Harderson 2.7oz rattan sticks aroma diffuser bottles color glass
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Harderson 2.7oz rattan sticks aroma diffuser bottles color glass
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Predstavenie produktu
Klasická biela farba, môžete ľubovoľne ladiť s akýmikoľvek tyčinkami trstinového difuzéra, prináša vám zvodnú romantickú vôňu. A dá sa použiť aj na uchytenie iných tekutín, sme vybavení nepriepustnými zátkami. Použite na DIY náhradné darčekové sady trstinového difuzéra s esenciálnymi olejmi, trstinové tyčinky. Ideálne pre domácnosti, kancelárie, svadby, aromaterapiu, kúpele, meditáciu, kúpeľňu atď.
VrcholPriemer: |
18.5Mm |
MaxPriemer: |
70 mm |
Plná výška: |
82Mm |
Kapacita naplnenia: |
90Ml2.7Oz |
Kapacita prepadu: |
115ml |
Approx. Hmotnosť: |
300g |
NŠpecifikácie eck: |
n/a |
MAteriálne: |
farebné práškové sklo |
Cplť: |
farebné práškové sklo fúkané ústami |
COlor: |
Vlastné farby sú prijateľné |
Číslo položky: |
PH048-HG0049 |
Vlastnosti a použitie produktu
ThLuxusný jedinečný dizajnový trstinový difúzor nezaberie veľa miesta na pulte alebo stole. Kúpte si ich pre svoju mamu, manželku, milenca, priateľov a každého, kto si chcel vyrobiť vlastné difuzéry. Robustný, mimoriadne jasný, pevný.
Väčšie ako bežné aromaterapeutické fľaše, dá sa použiť na aromaterapiu pre domácich majstrov a dá sa použiť aj ako dekoratívna fľaša do izieb, záhrad, kúpeľní atď. Je to pútavýg Dizajnová dekorácia.
Vneste do svojho domova lahodnú, krásnu vôňu s naším HAREDERSON Vonné difuzérové oleje a pekná sklenená fľaštička s difuzérom pre bezstarostnú domácu vôňu. Pri použití vo vašej domácnosti ako dekoratívna a vonná vôňa.
Použite pre DIY náhradné súpravy trstinových difuzérov s esenciálnymi olejmi, trstinové tyčinky. Prvá voľba na čistenie vzduchu, zlepšenie hygieny životného prostredia, posilnenie postavy a ochranu čuchovej funkcie.
Sú ideálne na dodanie dekoratívneho nádychu do dekorácie každej miestnosti. Navrhnutý tak, aby oživil váš obľúbený difuzér v kombinácii s esenciálnymi olejmi a skrášlil vôňu do vzduchu. Ideálne na každodenné použitie, svadbu, udalosti, aromaterapiu, kúpele, reiki, meditáciu, kúpeľňu.
Vlnitý kartón s priečnymi prepážkami, bezpečný pre medzinárodné zásielky. Akceptujú sa prispôsobené požiadavky na balenie.