FOB: $0.00 - $0.00/Set | 3000 Sets(Min.Order) | 1 buyer Product Introduction These fragrance oil glass diffuser bottles are perfect for adding a decorative touch to any room's decor. Designed to perk up your favorite diffuser paired with diffuser oils to beautify fragrance into the air. Perfect for everyday use, wedding, events, aromatherapy, spa, reiki, meditation, bathroom setting. Specifications Dimension: Top Diameter: 28.07mm, Bottom Diameter: 46.9mm, Full Height: 90.2mm Fill Capacity: 90ml, 3oz Overflow Capacity: 102ml Approx. Weight: 284g Neck Specs: n/a Material: soda lime glass Craft: IS Machine blown glass Color: custom colors acceptable Printing & logo: customizable Surface Handling: color spraying, silk screen,electroplating, hot stamping, decal, label, etc. Item Number: WJ107-HG1476A Product Features and Application The removable corks help to keep the contents of the bottles fresh, and the small size of the bottles lends them well to placement on desks, tables, shelves, and counter tops. Bring a luscious, beautiful aroma to your home with our customized scented diffuser oils and a pretty glass diffuser bottle for worry-free home fragrance when using it in your home as a decorative and fragrance scent. Our products are made of high-quality raw materials with minimal wastage at every step of production. With the goal of achieving a neutral carbon footprint, please recycle and help leave Mother Earth better off for future generations. A perfect gift for your families, girlfriend, friends on Birthday, Valentine's Day, Mother's Day, Thanksgiving, Christmas, Anniversary, Housewarming etc. We carry corked bottles in round, square and Boston round shape, you can use you label to make unique and thoughtful gifts. Add beautiful decoration to your home with these elegant glass bottles with customized pattern. These decorative bottles are excellent for holding flowers and essential oils, and great for elegant wedding centerpieces. HARDERSON offers customized graphic design for diffuser bottle decorations and molding service for diffuser bottles. Packaging Corrugated carton with cross board dividers, safe for international shipments.Customized packaging requirements are accepted. Gift Box Packing FOB: $0.00 - $0.00/Set | 3000 Sets(Min.Order) | 1 buyer Product Introduction These fragrance oil glass diffuser bottles are perfect for adding a decorative touch to any room's decor. Designed to perk up your favorite diffuser paired with diffuser oils to beautify fragrance into the air. Perfect for everyday use, wedding, events, aromatherapy, spa, reiki, meditation, bathroom setting. Specifications Dimension: Top Diameter: 28.07mm, Bottom Diameter: 46.9mm, Full Height: 90.2mm Fill Capacity: 90ml, 3oz Overflow Capacity: 102ml Approx. Weight: 284g Neck Specs: n/a Material: soda lime glass Craft: IS Machine blown glass Color: custom colors acceptable Printing & logo: customizable Surface Handling: color spraying, silk screen,electroplating, hot stamping, decal, label, etc. Item Number: WJ107-HG1476A Product Features and Application The removable corks help to keep the contents of the bottles fresh, and the small size of the bottles lends them well to placement on desks, tables, shelves, and counter tops. Bring a luscious, beautiful aroma to your home with our customized scented diffuser oils and a pretty glass diffuser bottle for worry-free home fragrance when using it in your home as a decorative and fragrance scent. Our products are made of high-quality raw materials with minimal wastage at every step of production. With the goal of achieving a neutral carbon footprint, please recycle and help leave Mother Earth better off for future generations. A perfect gift for your families, girlfriend, friends on Birthday, Valentine's Day, Mother's Day, Thanksgiving, Christmas, Anniversary, Housewarming etc. We carry corked bottles in round, square and Boston round shape, you can use you label to make unique and thoughtful gifts. Add beautiful decoration to your home with these elegant glass bottles with customized pattern. These decorative bottles are excellent for holding flowers and essential oils, and great for elegant wedding centerpieces. HARDERSON offers customized graphic design for diffuser bottle decorations and molding service for diffuser bottles. Packaging Corrugated carton with cross board dividers, safe for international shipments.Customized packaging requirements are accepted. Gift Box Packing Harderson 3oz Elegant Decorative Fragrance Oil Glass Diffuser Bottle
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Harderson 3oz Elegant Decorative Fragrance Oil Glass Diffuser Bottle
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Predstavenie produktu
Títo Sklenené fľaštičky difuzéra vonného olejasú ideálne na dodanie dekoratívneho nádychu do dekorácie každej miestnosti. Navrhnutý tak, aby oživil váš obľúbený difuzér spárovaný s diffuser oleje na skrášlenie vône do vzduchu. Ideálne na každodenné použitie, svadbu, akcie, aromaterapiu, kúpele reiki, múpravy, bprostredie miestnosti.
Dimenzia: |
VrcholPriemer: 28.07Mm,DnoPriemer: 46.9Mm,Plná výška: 90.2Mm |
Kapacita naplnenia: |
90 ml,3 oz |
Kapacita prepadu: |
102ml |
Approx. Hmotnosť: |
284 gramov |
NŠpecifikácie eck: |
n/a |
MAteriálne: |
Sódové vápenaté sklo |
Cplť: |
IS Strojovo fúkané sklo |
COlor: |
Vlastné farby sú prijateľné |
Potlač a logo: |
Prispôsobiteľné |
Manipulácia s povrchom: |
farebné striekanie, sieťotlač, galvanické pokovovanie, razenie za tepla, nálepka, štítok atď. |
Číslo položky: |
WJ107-HG1476A |
Vlastnosti a použitie produktu
Odnímateľné zátky pomáhajú udržiavať obsah fliaš čerstvý a malá veľkosť fliaš ich dobre umiestňuje na stoly, stoly, police a pulty.
Vneste do svojho domova lahodnú a krásnu vôňu s našimi prispôsobenými vonnými difuzérovými olejmi a peknou sklenenou fľaštičkou s difuzérom pre bezstarostnú domácu vôňu wPoužitie sliepkyit vo vašej domácnosti ako dekorácia a vôňascent.
Naše výrobky sú vyrobenéod vysoký-Kvalitné suroviny s minimálnym plytvaním v každom kroku výroby. S cieľom dosiahnuť neutrálnu uhlíkovú stopu recyklujte a pomôžte Matke Zemi lepšie pre budúce generácie.
Perfektný darček pre vaše rodiny, priateľku, priateľov k narodeninám, Valentínovi, Dňu matiek, Deň vďakyvzdania, Vianoce, výročie, kolaudáciu atď.Nosíme korkové fľaše v okrúhlom, štvorcovom a bostonskom okrúhlom tvare, môžete použiť svoj štítok na výrobu jedinečných a premyslených darčekov.
Dodajte svojmu domovu krásnu výzdobu s týmito elegantnými sklenenými fľašami s prispôsobeným vzorom. Tieto dekoratívne fľaše sú vynikajúce na držanie kvetov aesenciálne oleje,a skvelé preelegantné svadobné dekorácie.
HARDERSON ponúka prispôsobený grafický dizajn prefľaša s difúzorom dekorácie a formovacie služby prefľaša s difúzoroms.
Vlnitý kartón s priečnymi prepážkami, bezpečný pre medzinárodné zásielky. Akceptujú sa prispôsobené požiadavky na balenie.
Balenie darčekovej krabičky