FOB: $0.00 - $0.00/Set | 3000 Sets(Min.Order) | 1 buyer Product Introduction If you are tired of traditional gifts, reed diffusers must be the perfect and creative gift for Christmas, Thanksgiving, Mother's Day, Valentine's Day, Birthdays, Relocation. Specifications Dimension: Top Diameter: 38mm, Max Diameter: 74mm, Full Height: 83mm Fill Capacity: 110ml, 3.7oz for fragrance Overflow Capacity: 120ml Approx. Weight: 180g Neck Specs: N/A Material: soda lime glass for bottle Craft: machine blown glass Color: custom color acceptable Printing & logo: customizable Surface Handling: color spraying, silk screen,electroplating, hot stamping, decal, label, etc. Item Number: AL195-HG0613 Product Features and Application The bottles can be filled with essential oil to make the room air fresh and soothing and the fragrance will come out through the aroma sticks. And also display it in your house as home decor or flower vases. They sure will be eye-catching decor and bring compliments. Classic Glass Diffuser Bottles, Can be as a DIY craft, home decor, brings you luscious romantic scented. Pour in aromatic essential oils and insert reeds to spread the fragrance to all corners of your house, fill the room with fresh and it is the first choice for purifying the air, improving environmental hygiene, strengthening physique and protecting olfactory function. Ideal reed substitute for aromatherapy dispensers, essential oils or liquid fragrances that help create a natural and relaxing aroma. Absolutely beautiful cut glass diffuser bottles And just look so elegant in any room. Simply place your essential oils with your required scents and diffuser reeds in the glass diffuser bottles and wait for the scent to diffuse and can release fragrance slowly to fresh the air. HARDERSON offers customized graphic design for diffuser bottle decorations and molding service for diffuser bottles. Packaging Corrugated carton with cross board dividers, safe for international shipments.Customized packaging requirements are accepted. FOB: $0.00 - $0.00/Set | 3000 Sets(Min.Order) | 1 buyer Product Introduction If you are tired of traditional gifts, reed diffusers must be the perfect and creative gift for Christmas, Thanksgiving, Mother's Day, Valentine's Day, Birthdays, Relocation. Specifications Dimension: Top Diameter: 38mm, Max Diameter: 74mm, Full Height: 83mm Fill Capacity: 110ml, 3.7oz for fragrance Overflow Capacity: 120ml Approx. Weight: 180g Neck Specs: N/A Material: soda lime glass for bottle Craft: machine blown glass Color: custom color acceptable Printing & logo: customizable Surface Handling: color spraying, silk screen,electroplating, hot stamping, decal, label, etc. Item Number: AL195-HG0613 Product Features and Application The bottles can be filled with essential oil to make the room air fresh and soothing and the fragrance will come out through the aroma sticks. And also display it in your house as home decor or flower vases. They sure will be eye-catching decor and bring compliments. Classic Glass Diffuser Bottles, Can be as a DIY craft, home decor, brings you luscious romantic scented. Pour in aromatic essential oils and insert reeds to spread the fragrance to all corners of your house, fill the room with fresh and it is the first choice for purifying the air, improving environmental hygiene, strengthening physique and protecting olfactory function. Ideal reed substitute for aromatherapy dispensers, essential oils or liquid fragrances that help create a natural and relaxing aroma. Absolutely beautiful cut glass diffuser bottles And just look so elegant in any room. Simply place your essential oils with your required scents and diffuser reeds in the glass diffuser bottles and wait for the scent to diffuse and can release fragrance slowly to fresh the air. HARDERSON offers customized graphic design for diffuser bottle decorations and molding service for diffuser bottles. Packaging Corrugated carton with cross board dividers, safe for international shipments.Customized packaging requirements are accepted.Mercury Clear Vase Shape Diffuser Bottle with Selectable Colors
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Mercury Clear Vase Shape Diffuser Bottle with Selectable Colors
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Predstavenie produktu
Ak vás už nebaví tradičné darčeky, trstinové difuzéry musia byť dokonalým a kreatívnym darčekom na Vianoce, Deň vďakyvzdania, Deň matiek, Valentína, narodeniny, sťahovanie.
Dimenzia: |
TPriemer op: 38mm,Maximálny priemer: 74Mm,Plná výška: 83Mm |
Kapacita naplnenia: |
110Ml3.7oz pre vôňu |
OKapacita pretečenia: |
120ml |
Approx. Hmotnosť: |
180g |
NŠpecifikácie eck: |
MAteriálne: |
Sódové vápenaté sklo prefľaša |
Cplť: |
stroj fúkané sklo |
Farba: |
prijateľná vlastná farba |
Potlač a logo: |
Prispôsobiteľné |
Manipulácia s povrchom: |
farebné striekanie, sieťotlač, galvanické pokovovanie, razenie za tepla, nálepka, štítok atď. |
Číslo položky: |
AL195-HG0613 |
Vlastnosti a použitie produktu
TFľašemožno naplniťs esenciálnym olejom aby bol vzduch v miestnosti svieži a upokojujúci a vôňa bude vychádzať cez vône tyčiniek.A tiež zobraziťit vo vašom dome ako domoveVýzdobaalebo vázy na kvety. Určite budú pútavou výzdobou a prinesú komplimenty.
Klasické sklenené fľaše s difuzérom, môžu byť ako remeslo pre domácich majstrov, domáce dekorácie, prinášajú vám zvodnú romantickú vôňu.
Nalejte aromatické esenciálne oleje a vložte tŕstie, aby sa vôňa rozšírila do všetkých kútov vášho domu, naplnila miestnosť čerstvosťou a je to prvá voľba na čistenie vzduchu, zlepšenie hygieny životného prostredia, posilnenie postavy a ochranu čuchovej funkcie.
Ideálna náhrada trstiny za aromaterapeutické dávkovače, esenciálne oleje alebo tekuté vône, ktoré pomáhajú vytvárať prirodzenú a relaxačnú arómu.
Absolútne krásne fľaše z difuzéra z brúseného skla A jednoducho vyzerajú tak elegantne v každej miestnosti. Jednoducho vložte esenciálne oleje s požadovanými vôňami a jazýčkami difuzéra do sklenených fľaštičiek s difuzérom a počkajte, kým sa vôňa rozptýli a môže pomaly uvoľňovať vôňu, aby osviežila vzduch.
HARDERSON ponúka prispôsobený grafický dizajn prefľaša s difúzorom dekorácie a formovacie služby prefľaša s difúzoroms.
Vlnitý kartón s priečnymi prepážkami, bezpečný pre medzinárodné zásielky. Akceptujú sa prispôsobené požiadavky na balenie.