FOB: $0.00 - $0.00/Set | 3000 Sets(Min.Order) | 1 buyer
Product Introduction With different colors, these bottles are perfect for adding elegant vintage style and a decorative touch to any room décor, wedding or special event. Specifications Dimension: Bottom Diameter: 44mm, Full Height: 89mm Fill Capacity: 55ml, 1.85 oz for fragrance Overflow Capacity: 60ml Approx. Weight: 107g Neck Specs: n/a Material: glass for bottle Craft: machine blown Color: custom colors acceptable Printing & logo: customizable Surface Handling: color spraying, silk screen,electroplating, hot stamping, decal, label, etc. Item Number: AL190-HG0577 Product Features and Application The glass diffuser bottles are designed in different colors and patterns. None of them are the same in the set. Very special and attractive. Classic pretty glass diffuser bottles,can be as a DIY craft,home decor,brings you luscious romantic scented. Whether you put it in the bedroom, living room, bathroom, or office, it will be a beautiful piece of art. Bring pleasing fragrance into the air by using as a diffuser by simply placing oil in the bottles and putting diffuser reeds in to absorb and diffuse scent for aromatherapy or meditation, or in a spa or bathroom setting oils and reeds. The glass diffuser bottles are decent gifts for friends, family members, relatives, colleagues and other acquaintance in daily use, gathering party, wedding, anniversary, events, SPA, meditation, bedroom living room bathroom setting and other occasions. HARDERSON offers customized graphic design for diffuser bottle decorations and molding service for diffuser bottles. Packaging Corrugated carton with cross board dividers, safe for international shipments.Customized packaging requirements are accepted. FOB: $0.00 - $0.00/Set | 3000 Sets(Min.Order) | 1 buyer
Product Introduction With different colors, these bottles are perfect for adding elegant vintage style and a decorative touch to any room décor, wedding or special event. Specifications Dimension: Bottom Diameter: 44mm, Full Height: 89mm Fill Capacity: 55ml, 1.85 oz for fragrance Overflow Capacity: 60ml Approx. Weight: 107g Neck Specs: n/a Material: glass for bottle Craft: machine blown Color: custom colors acceptable Printing & logo: customizable Surface Handling: color spraying, silk screen,electroplating, hot stamping, decal, label, etc. Item Number: AL190-HG0577 Product Features and Application The glass diffuser bottles are designed in different colors and patterns. None of them are the same in the set. Very special and attractive. Classic pretty glass diffuser bottles,can be as a DIY craft,home decor,brings you luscious romantic scented. Whether you put it in the bedroom, living room, bathroom, or office, it will be a beautiful piece of art. Bring pleasing fragrance into the air by using as a diffuser by simply placing oil in the bottles and putting diffuser reeds in to absorb and diffuse scent for aromatherapy or meditation, or in a spa or bathroom setting oils and reeds. The glass diffuser bottles are decent gifts for friends, family members, relatives, colleagues and other acquaintance in daily use, gathering party, wedding, anniversary, events, SPA, meditation, bedroom living room bathroom setting and other occasions. HARDERSON offers customized graphic design for diffuser bottle decorations and molding service for diffuser bottles. Packaging Corrugated carton with cross board dividers, safe for international shipments.Customized packaging requirements are accepted.Small Aroma Diffuser Glass Bottles in Different Colors
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Small Aroma Diffuser Glass Bottles in Different Colors
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Predstavenie produktu
Vďaka rôznym farbám sú tieto fľaše ideálne na dodanie elegantného vintage štýlu a dekoratívneho nádychu každej miestnosti, svadby alebo špeciálnej udalosti.
Dimenzia: |
Dno Priemer: 44Mm,Plná výška: 89Mm |
Kapacita naplnenia: |
55Ml1.85oz pre vôňu |
Pretečenie Kapacita: |
60ml |
Približná hmotnosť: |
107g |
NŠpecifikácie eck: |
Nedostupný |
Materiál: |
Sklo na fľašu |
Cplť: |
strojovo fúkané |
COlor: |
Vlastné farby sú prijateľné |
Potlač a logo: |
Prispôsobiteľné |
Manipulácia s povrchom: |
farebné striekanie, sieťotlač, galvanické pokovovanie, razenie za tepla, nálepka, štítok atď. |
JaČíslo tem: |
AL190-HG0577 |
Vlastnosti a použitie produktu
Sklenené fľaše s difúzorom sú navrhnuté v rôznychFarbya vzory. Žiadny z nich nie je v súprave rovnaký. Veľmi zvláštne a atraktívne.
Klasické pekné sklenené fľaše s difuzérom, môžu byť ako remeslo pre domácich majstrov, domáce dekorácie, prinášajú vám zvodnú romantickú vôňu.
Či už ho dáte do spálne, obývačky, kúpeľne alebo kancelárie, bude to krásne umelecké dielo.
Vneste príjemnú vôňu do vzduchu použitím ako difuzéra jednoduchým vložením oleja do fliaš a vložením tŕstia difuzéra, aby absorbovala a rozptýlila vôňu pre aromaterapiu alebo meditáciu, alebo do kúpeľov alebo kúpeľne oleje a trstiny.
Sklenené fľaše s difuzérom sú slušným darčekom pre priateľov, rodinných príslušníkov, príbuzných, kolegov a iných známych pri každodennom používaní, stretnutí, svadbe, výročí, udalostiach, SPA, meditácii, spálni, obývacej izbe, kúpeľni a iných príležitostiach.
HARDERSON ponúka prispôsobený grafický dizajn prefľaša s difúzorom dekorácie a formovacie služby prefľaša s difúzoroms.
Vlnitý kartón s priečnymi prepážkami, bezpečný pre medzinárodné zásielky. Akceptujú sa prispôsobené požiadavky na balenie.